Today’s post is about how to make simple mini ghosts for festive garland or other decorations for Halloween! You can use yarn, tulle or a variety of other materials using the same easy steps below.
What You Will Need:
- Yarn or Tulle
- Cardboard (I used a piece about 5 inches wide)
- Scissors

Step 1
Wrap the yarn around the cardboard several times until you reach your desired thickness. My string was pretty thin so I wrapped mine around about 75 times. Once you are finished wrapping, cut the string.

Step 2
Cut an extra piece of yarn to tie off one end.

Step 3
Cut the other end with scissors.

Step 4
Tie a piece of yarn about one inch from the top and secure tightly. If you want more of a round head, you can gently pull the string out once your knot is secured.

Step 5
Trim the bottom so that it is straight.

That’s it! I hope you enjoyed this simple tutorial on how to make mini ghosts. Happy Halloween!