I can’t believe the time has come where I am already talking about my hospital bag! Baby is going to be here so soon and I am just so incredibly excited to meet him. I am currently at 36 weeks today, and my doctor advised me to have my hospital bag ready around this time, just in case baby decides to make an early appearance. Most of the items can be backed in advance, but other items, like daily toiletries, will need to be packed right before I head out the door. I have a toiletry bag ready for those items when the time comes, and will be referring back to this list just to make sure I have everything!

Since this is my first pregnancy, I had to do quite a bit of research on what items to pack. I compiled a list below using what I discovered online as well as advice from friends and family. I will be doing another post after baby arrives to let you know what we ended up using and if I would have changed or added anything to the list .
For Baby
- Baby blanket
- Set of pajamas
- Swaddles
- Onesies (size NB and 3 mo)
- Going home outfit
- Hats
- Socks/ mittens
- “Hello my name is ___” sign
- Car seat installed and ready in car

For Mom
- Nursing/ button front pajamas
- Robe
- 2 nursing bras
- Loose pants
- Slippers/ slip on shoes
- Fuzzy/ grippy socks
- Insurance info and pediatrician contact info
- Boppy pillow
- Toiletries (hairbrush, shampoo/ conditioner, toothbrush/ toothpaste, razor, deodorant, lip balm, hair ties, face wipes, face wash, lotion, blow-drier)
- Makeup
- Bath towel (I heard it is nice to bring your own from home)
- Nipple cream
- Nursing pads
- Pillow/ blanket (also bringing pillow/ blanket for husband!)
- Sweatshirt and joggers for going home

- Snacks
- Portable bluetooth speaker
- Extra long phone charger
I hope this post is helpful for all those moms out there! If you think I missed anything please add it to the comments below!
xo, Rachel