Aiden has always been a really strong eater from the very beginning. He always finishes his bottles and sometimes even cries for more even when he has definitely had more than enough milk! I was really looking forward to his 4 month check up with the pediatrician mid- May because I wanted to start talking about introducing solid foods and was interested to see if our pediatrician thought he was ready. Sure enough, he recommended that we give it a try!
I did a ton of research the following week to see what different options were out there and what would be best for our family and Aiden. I read a lot about baby led weaning, different ways of introducing solid foods, and researched various brands and types of baby food. I knew I wanted to do some type of hybrid between much of what I read, but decided to start with introducing some simple organic baby foods, just to see if he was even interested in solid foods in general at this stage.
I was roaming the baby aisle at the grocery store and looked at the various options for baby food, and was honestly surprised that there were not as many options as I thought there would be as far as flavor varieties in the organic section. I saw a lot of carrot, sweet potato and banana, but not a lot of variety, particularly in the stage 1 section that I am most interested in right now. Of course, i’m not trying to go crazy and introduce Aiden to foods that will be too intense for him just starting out, but I figured there has to be more options out there than 5 mushy vegetable containers. One thing that I really want to focus on is introducing Aiden to a variety of tastes and textures early. Both Ryan and I are extremely picky eaters, and I want Aiden to be more open to trying new foods as he gets older. After seeing the sad display at the grocery store, I was beginning to consider making his baby food myself, and was mentally gearing up for the huge time commitment and stress that would entail. I picked up a couple small containers of organic sweet potato and pumpkin baby food (our pediatrician said to consider starting with orange colored vegis) that we would try in the meantime until I found a better option.
The following day I tried giving Aiden a few bites of sweet potato and he loved it! Literally swallowed the first bite like it was nothing! At that point I knew he was ready for solid foods and I needed to decide on a baby food brand/ option soon.
I did more research online and found that there are some baby food delivery companies that mail baby food to your door. This was actually very appealing to me because the more I read about it, the more I realized how much time and effort it would save me.
I decided to go with Yumi organic baby food for Aiden’s first solid food experience. Yumi baby food is organic, the healthiest baby food, and literally has everything already thought out for your baby from age 5 months to 5 years with food delivered to your door weekly. I like Yumi because you build a plan for your baby that fits your needs. Their program is divided into stages; stage 1 smooth textured single food purees, stage 2 smooth multi-ingredient purees, stage 3 multi ingredient purees with seeds or grains, stage 4 chunky mixtures of multiple ingredients, and finger food bites and puffs. The stages are broken out into recommended age groups, and there are a ton of flavors to choose from each week. Also, you can choose how many meals your child needs daily to determine your meal service plan. I think this is amazing because its already thought out for you, is totally customizable, and gives your baby a much more diverse eating experience from the start.

For me, I just want to start by trying out a small selection of flavors that fits Aiden’s age and stage. We selected a one meal a day plan (since Aiden really only had a few bites a day to start), and decided to go with the single food smooth textured purees. The first week’s shipment included a selection of small plastic bottles in a container shipped with ice to keep cool. The company actually texted me when the order shipped and when it was delivered, which was super convenient! The flavors included spinach, cauliflower, blueberry, strawberry, apricot, white bean and zucchini. I didn’t see most of these flavors at the grocery store level 1 options, so was thrilled at the variety. Also, each week’s menu is different, so I am happy knowing Aiden will continue to try new foods each week.

The first Yumi food we tried was the apricot. To be honest, I tried a little on my finger before feeding it to Aiden and it was SO GOOD. Aiden went crazy for it, too. Plus, it makes me feel much more comfortable feeding Aiden food that I would eat myself, knowing it is organic, natural and overall healthy for my baby. Being a new mom, it gives me comfort knowing I am doing something good for my baby, and giving him healthy options right from the start!